Public Services — City of Ponchatoula





 The service, which is offered in partnership with the cities and Tangipahoa Parish Government via the Tangipahoa Parish Voluntary Council on Aging, is open to all citizens in need of transportation. 

The cost is 50 cents per trip.

Hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Buses are equipped to serve all riders, including those who are mobility impaired.

For more information on the Tangi Transit service, go to, or call the Tangipahoa Parish Voluntary Council on Aging at (985) 748-6016.



Don't Get Scammed!

LHBA has established a special Disaster Relief Fund dedicated to assisting communities and citizens within disaster areas recover and rebuild.

ALWAYS verify a contractor is licensed!

Visit the Louisiana State Board of Contractors to verify.

Or, Text-To-Verify: 1 (855) 999-7896



Disaster Assistance - Register for FEMA Disaster assistance and get more information for disaster resources.

D-SNAP - Learn more and pre-register for D-SNAP disaster food stamp assistance.

Crisis-Cleanup - Learn more and register for disaster cleanup assistance. You may also dial 844-965-1386 for more information.

Click for Disaster Distress Helpline

Tangipahoa Emergency Preparedness - The Tangipahoa Parish Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness (TPOHSEP) is the coordinating agency for emergency and disaster activities.

Division On Addictions- Learn more about this FREE service addressing drug and alcohol addiction.

 File for FEMA/SBA rental assistance to help while recovering.

Apply with the Salvation Army and the Red Cross. They often offer financial assistance in a disaster.

     Red Cross: 

     Salvation Army:

File for Disaster Unemployment 

Click Here for Hurricane Ida Resources and Updates on the Parish Website


 Public Safety Notification System


Launched in 2007, Nixle provides an open communication forum that connects public safety, municipalities, schools, businesses and the communities they serve. Nixle enables real-time, two-way communication through text, email, voice messages, social media, and the Nixle mobile app.

The Nixle notification system is relied on by over 8000 agencies, fire and police departments, schools, hospitals and is now available in a business version! Organizations use Nixle for critical situations such as Severe Weather Events, Evacuations, Safety Hazards, Security Threats, Facilities Problems, Employee Notifications, and IT/Telecom Disruptions.

Information! Nixle keeps you up-to-date with relevant information from your local public safety departments & schools.



Surplus Property

The City of Ponchatoula uses a live auction process for the sale of surplus property. Items for sale can be viewed by visiting Henderson Auctions. Auctions change often so please be sure to visit this site frequently.

Please view each item for specific details.



Garbage & Recycling

Garbage & Recycling

Residential garbage is collected twice a week; Monday and Thursday on the WEST side of the railroad tracks, Tuesday and Friday on the EAST side of the railroad tracks. One container per residence is provided and maintained by Waste Pro. Additional containers may be purchased from Waste Pro.

Residential recycling can be dropped of at the City’s maintenance facility in the 300 block of North Fourth Street, on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month.

Acceptable Recycling Items – Please place these items loose in a container or clear plastic bag.

  • Aluminum cans: Cans shall be rinsed to avoid health and nuisance problems.

  • Paper: Clean, unsoiled newsprint‐type paper, magazines, catalogs, gift wrap, paper bags, junk mail, white or colored paper, envelopes. No bound books, paperbound/wrapped in plastic, rubber bands, or photos.

  • Plastics: PET, HDPE, and PVC containers should be rinsed and caps removed.

  • Tin Cans: Steel food containers should be rinsed prior to placement in the recycling bin.

** No glass or styrofoam accepted**

Missed Pick-ups:  Call 985-298-0010 to report missed pick-ups.

Closures & Holidays: Waste Pro cannot make pick-ups when the Tangipahoa Parish Landfill is closed, either for holidays or severe weather. Pick-up days will be pushed back one day, including Saturdays, to make up for holiday closures.

Visit or call (985) 878-4403 for landfill information.

Waste Pro:
550 Winward Dr.
Covington LA 70433
Phone: 985-298-0010